Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Does Blogging Mean to Me?

I am a blogging virgin.Well, not any more, but I’ve never maintained, written, or even read a blog before I started this one. I’ve learnt that it is way for anyone to express their opinions publicly, even though there is a possibility that no one will read it. I’ve learnt that blogging should come from the heart. When you try to write a blog, but you have no ideas, nothing can be more difficult. Luckily, for most of my entries, I have had ideas that I was passionate about, but even trying to extend onto those ideas can be a daunting task. Blogging really tightens up a person’s writing skills because they must provide an opinion or out-look and express it clearly and properly. Developing an audience will take time, I hope. I have not yet built up an audience like some of my classmates, but it is probably because what I’m writing about does not interest many other people, but this is why it’s called a “personal” blog. It’s my ideas and thoughts on what I’m interested in.

a little video to help everyone understand what blogging is all about

The concept of blogging has really sky-rocketed in the past few years I believe. Anyone who’s anyone has a blog now. All celebrities are asked to write blogs, along with athletes, politicians, and anyone involved with the media. Most journalists maintain blogs as well which I would find to be hard for them as they now have to switch back and forth between two writing styles constantly. Basically, it’s just doubling the workload for journalists, and frankly, I just don’t find that to be fair. Perhaps these journalists in question WANT to keep a blog, well, all the power to you my friend.

This guy was blogging before laptops. That's what I call greasy

Blogging, to me, is a place to just spill out the ideas in my mind. Maybe they won’t be some amazing ideas with really thought-provoking topics and such, but it’s just what’s on my mind. A lot of the blogs I’m reading now are really funny, really helpful, and really interesting. It’s great to have such a variety of information at my choosing. Lots of people keep blogs just to write about what they dislike, but most of these people are people that don’t matter. Sure, everyone has the right to say what they want, but if some greasy teenager in a basement is saying that the way Canada is being governed is wrong and should be changed, well I just don’t really care. That greasy teenager should grow up; learn everything there is to know about politics, become prime minister, and then blog about the government. Maybe then I’ll actually care. That’s exactly what I’m trying to steer away from in my blog. When I write a post, I want it to be on a topic that I understand. I’m not going to blog about cooking Chinese cuisine because I’ve never done it.

There are several blogs that I read and keep doing so because they make me laugh. Anything that can bring a smirk to my face is worth coming back to read over and over. One example of this is http://memoirs-of-a-gentleman.blogspot.com/2009/10/chevy-chase-is-alivefunny.html. Always gives me a chuckle and talks about things I understand.

To me, blogging can never unintentionally hurt anyone. Unless, of course, they do it on purpose, then they are just dumb. Blogs can be viewed by anyone in the world so just watch what you say. Personally, I intend to offend no one, and will always be that way.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! never thought of it that way. I will definately re-think my next post! :)
