Thursday, September 24, 2009

You don't get it, your a boy!

Today in PR class, my instructor talked about how when she works on something, she will make herself sick over the work, literally. She makes herself sick to the stomach because she is so focused on having absolutely perfect work done. This sparked interest to me because I know a lot of women who are like this. In fact, almost all women I know well are like this.

Personally, I have never met or heard of a man doing this. Sure, men will work themselves sick doing physical work, but so do women. It puzzles me why women are much more inclined to become perfectionists rather than men. I consider this to be a great quality. Obviously it has worked quite well for my PR instructor considering she has done quite well for herself with a career that she loves. I, on the other hand, have not found my true passion yet and in turn, haven’t made myself sick over work.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am passionate about what I do. Just not to the same level, clearly. Perhaps men are just more confident in their work that they just don’t need to stress over such things. That could very well be wrong, it is just a theory, one that I would like to have answered.

I’m sure no man will ever fully understand the reasoning behind some women’s actions, but why is there such a difference in the number of women like this compared to the number of men? I thought all human beings were equal? Why don’t most men get stressed out and sick over their work like lots of women I know?

I’ve been told many times that women just “care more.” Okay, that could be true, but I care a lot about what I do and how it affects people and I don’t get stressed to that extent. Who knows, maybe women just really do have it in their blood that they care a hell of a lot more about everything. I don’t believe I’ll ever know and that doesn’t particularly bother me at all. I applaud all those who are passionate enough to make themselves sick over work, whether it’s men or women.

Keep on truckin’.


  1. I think women just have more obsessive compulsive tendencies. Guys can be really stressed in one area of their lives, but it doesn't tend to spill over to other aspects of life. Girls are like tables. If one leg breaks, slants etc, it affects the whole table. There is no "leave work at work". Guys have a better ability to keeping something where it belongs and not stressing about it when the stressor isn't present.

  2. I agree. Of course this is all a generalization, but from my observations women tend to over-think everything, perhaps more so than men (but I can't say for sure). While this tendency can lead to a very productive life and high quality work, it can also lead to going insane, which is not so good.
