Right around the beginning of every football season I always start to get the itch, the itch of wanting to know every single possible thing I can about the players in the NFL. I want to know where they grew up, where they played in college, what kind of player they are, what they ate for dinner on November 18, 1997.
For the last three years, I've finished in second place of every league. I don't know what it is, but I always do good enough to finish just a hair behind the winner. Basically, I never lose money, but I don't win anything so I did all that work and I have nothing to show for it- not even an empty bank account.
This year, I aim to change. I aim to be great. If I have to suffer through many hours of watching football, reading articles on football, thinking about football and playing football, then by god I'll do it... I'll take the pain. To show my dedication to the sport, this video shows it well...
This is your year!