Friday, November 13, 2009

The Bromance

I first heard the term "man-crush" about one year ago. It came when a friend of mine had a guy who wanted to do nothing else, but hang out with him. So I thought to myself, " Okay... so they're just good friends?"

I didn't understand. Why do people consider it a "Bromance" when two guys are really good friends? So after I was told that these two friends were in a bromance, I asked the person who told me about it, "So are they gay or something?" The story teller quickly replied with, "No not at all. They just have man crushes on each other."

It made absolutely no sense. The story teller proceeded to treat the two guys like they were all weird. What's the big deal? Aren't girls allowed to be besties and consider themselves girlfriends? So why does a good friendship between two guys have to be considered a bromance? By those rules, all friendships between girls should be called "shemances." I don't know.

MTV went as far as having a show called Bromance. There was one main guy who had nine different guys compete to be the main guy's best friend, so that they could be in a bromance. Ridiculous.

I have good friends, but I wouldn't say that I have a man-crush on them. I've had the same friends since I was very young, but we're not in a bromance. Why did friendship between two guys have to get such a stupid label?


  1. Don't worry, Jeff, he's just playing hard to get!

  2. Dammit Jordan! You knew Jeff was going to read this! He's gonna be a mess all week now....sigh.... I'll go put on the Earl Grey...poor little bugger.

  3. I don't think it's just friendship between guys, it literally is like about as close to an actual love thing, if not actually gay. I was watching Tyra the other day (forgive me, who knows why) and they were talking to guys in bromances. These two guys actually had matching Tiffany rings. The one guy wasn't gay but he spent more time with this friend than his girlfriend and the guyfriend didn't want him to hang out with his live-in girlfriend. I think the term gets over used and used wrong a lotttt. but for sure some guys have serious bromances. I think girls do have what you call "shemances" sometimes but it's just not as noticiable !! awesome post!!
