I'm not the arguing type, but when it comes to arguing MAC's over PC's, I have yet to be defeated.
I'm a PC supporter and proud of it. I know they've had their downfalls in the past, but look at the now. PC's are stronger than ever and really, they play fair compared to MAC's. PC supports everything a MAC does and doesn't put out advertising bashing the other. MAC on the other hand will do anything it can to be separated from the PC world. None of the programs are compatible from MAC to PC, MAC's only allow certain formats of programs to be opened while PC allows any of them.
I've never had a PC crash in my life, I've had several MAC's crash on me and cause me to lose work just within the last few weeks. Where's the reliability?
When I bring up this topic, MAC owners always have the same reasons for buying one. "Oh they're just better. They're way better for design. They don't get viruses. They look so much better. They don't crash." None of those arguments have an ounce of truth to them. MAC is a simply a new fad that people are catching on to because of the advertising being shoved down their throats.
PC's are much cheaper, they perform better, and offer a much broader range of tasks. You can do anything on a PC, so why buy a MAC?