Thursday, September 24, 2009

You don't get it, your a boy!

Today in PR class, my instructor talked about how when she works on something, she will make herself sick over the work, literally. She makes herself sick to the stomach because she is so focused on having absolutely perfect work done. This sparked interest to me because I know a lot of women who are like this. In fact, almost all women I know well are like this.

Personally, I have never met or heard of a man doing this. Sure, men will work themselves sick doing physical work, but so do women. It puzzles me why women are much more inclined to become perfectionists rather than men. I consider this to be a great quality. Obviously it has worked quite well for my PR instructor considering she has done quite well for herself with a career that she loves. I, on the other hand, have not found my true passion yet and in turn, haven’t made myself sick over work.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am passionate about what I do. Just not to the same level, clearly. Perhaps men are just more confident in their work that they just don’t need to stress over such things. That could very well be wrong, it is just a theory, one that I would like to have answered.

I’m sure no man will ever fully understand the reasoning behind some women’s actions, but why is there such a difference in the number of women like this compared to the number of men? I thought all human beings were equal? Why don’t most men get stressed out and sick over their work like lots of women I know?

I’ve been told many times that women just “care more.” Okay, that could be true, but I care a lot about what I do and how it affects people and I don’t get stressed to that extent. Who knows, maybe women just really do have it in their blood that they care a hell of a lot more about everything. I don’t believe I’ll ever know and that doesn’t particularly bother me at all. I applaud all those who are passionate enough to make themselves sick over work, whether it’s men or women.

Keep on truckin’.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hey Tyra, thanks for making me throw up

As I’m forced to watch this episode of Tyra Banks, I keep growing mad, not only because I’m forced to watch it in the first place, but also because of the content on the show.

The episode is about women who are addicted to do-it-yourself plastic surgery…. Honestly? Why does this even exist? It’s sick, plain and simple.
Personally, I believe that plastic surgery should have never been created. The men who developed breast implants, (yes it was men. I’d like to apologize to women on their behalf) were clearly not thinking straight. These men, Frank Gerow and Thomas Cronin, decided it would be a good idea to put silicone inside women’s bodies.
I realize that these men did not fully understand the effect of what silicone can do to a body, but isn’t it common sense to not put industrial-grade chemicals into them? I know my mother always taught me that lesson. “Don’t eat that silicone Jordan; it could be bad for you…” Now, of course that’s a joke my mother never actually said that. That sort of life lesson was never really required. I think the commercials as a child covered it quite well, “Don’t you put it in your mouth. NO WAY!”

Shouldn’t it have been the same with these so-called “beauty products?”

When I say “beauty products,” I’m referring to Botox, Paraffin, Collagen, Restylane, and Juvederm. I’m sure there is more, but they are currently unknown to the general public. Women and men all around the world are being brain-washed to think that these things will make them beautiful. The truth is they don’t. I have never seen one act of cosmetic surgery which has attracted me in any way, shape, or form. Yes I’m even including boob jobs. Obviously there are people that find this attractive, but these people are soulless, shallow, and degenerating. I am sorry to anyone who this may refer to or offend, but what’s wrong with natural beauty? I feel quite strongly that both women and men should not alter their appearance just because they think they have imperfections. However, they may be exceptions such drastic facial scarring or burns or deformities. In which case, the person has an actual reason as to why they want it, or perhaps need it.

Tyra Banks is known to have some topics that raise eyebrows, but this show is absolutely jaw-dropping. The first guest had purchased a bottle of silicone off Ebay and injected it into her top lip and her left cheek. The woman was unaware that the silicone she purchased was for external use, it wasn’t supposed to be injected.

She also had no idea how much silicone she was supposed to inject. So she not only filled her face with external silicone, but she also added way too much. Why would someone be compelled to do this? It’s because women are pressured to be perfect at such a young age. Don’t take this the wrong way ladies, because I know that not every single woman on earth feels the need to get cosmetic surgery, but the majority of people who are getting way too much surgery are women. I am not going to pass judgment on all woman, I believe it’s unfair the way their treated. Thank god guys aren’t all like, “Oh my god, look at his ass, I wish that was mine.” Or,”Ugh my lips are too thin. I need to plump them up.”

That sort of stuff just doesn’t happen. Well, maybe it does with some, but those guys were probably brought up the same way as the girls who get plastic surgery. And I don’t think there are too many guys who are quite that open. It is primarily an industry directed towards women, for now, and it should be an industry on the decline. Instead, there’s reality shows being made about how glorious it is. Stupid…

Women, you’re beautiful the way god made you. Everyone on earth has natural beauty and it should be embraced. As for the men, well there are more women on earth than there is guys so don’t worry, you’ll find your match no matter what you look like.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A quick intro

With this blog, I intend to touch on issues that may or may not offend other people, especially the opposite sex. The one thing all my readers need to keep in mind is that I am not a sexist at all and my intent is to not offend anyone what so ever. However, if that does happen, I am sincerely sorry and apologize greatly in advance.

I want to provide the male persepective on all walks of life. From watching and participating in sports, to television shows or simple life events such as riding the bus or working at a gas station.

This is just a portal into the mind of a male. I am positive that not all men share the same views as me and I am quite aware of that. I will simply give my input, which is of course, the mind of a man.